TMJH Student Handbook
- Assembly Behavior
- Athletics/Activities
- Attendance Policy
- Backpack and Bags
- Behavior Expectations
- Bicycles, Skateboards, etc.
- Bus Conduct
- Cell Phones
- Counselors
- Dances
- Dress Code
- Hallway/Classroom Expectations
- Library
- Lockers
- Lost/Damaged Textbooks
- Lunch Expectations
- National Junior Honor Society
- Parent Release
- PowerSchool
- Report Incident
- Safe Schools
- Schedule Changes
- School Clubs and Activities
- Technology
Assembly Behavior
Assembly Behavior
On occasion, Treasure Mountain gathers the entire student body for an assembly. The topics of these range from informational, to celebrational, to performative. These assemblies are held in a variety of locations depending on the medium of the assembly (forum, gym, Eccles Center). Regardless of the location, there are three primary responsibilities for assembly behavior:
Move quickly and quietly to your assigned seating area
Sit respectfully and listen throughout
Show appreciation with appropriate applause.
Activities & Athletics
The activities and athletics programs of Park City High School are designed to provide wholesome co- and extracurricular opportunities for students who desire to participate competitively. 9th grade students at Treasure Mountain Junior High are welcome to try out for an interscholastic team if they meet the following standards:
- Student is eligible under school, league and state requirements.
- Student follows training rules, as determined by the coaching staff
- Completion of eligibility packet
- Including proof of insurance
- Fee payment before first practical competition
Minimum Rules for Individual Eligibility under UHSAA Guidelines:
- Scholarship Rule
- Mandatory minimum of 2.0 GPA in the previous quarter to the athletic season
- No more than a single “F” grade in any course in the previous quarter to the athletic season
- Parental Consent and a Physician’s Certificate
- Completely filled in and submitted to the athletic department.
- Sportsmanship – understand and acknowledge that sportsmanship is an important element of being a student/athlete at PCHS.
The UHSAA Activities Program includes:
- Activities:
- Music
- Speech and Debate
- Theater
- Fall:
- Cross Country
- Football
- Golf (boys)
- Soccer (girls)
- Tennis (girls)
- Volleyball (girls)
- Winter:
- Basketball (boys and girls)
- Cheer
- Drill Team
- Swimming
- Wrestling
- Spring:
- Baseball
- Golf (girls)
- Lacrosse (boys and girls)
- Soccer (boys)
- Softball
- Tennis (boys)
- Track and Field
Contact Information
Athletics/Activities Director: Jamie Sheetz
- 435-645-5650
See the PCHS activities/athletics website for information PCHS Sports
Attendance Policy
The Park City Board of Education believes that school attendance has a direct impact on a student’s level of academic achievement. In order to make the most of one’s educational opportunity, a student must have consistent, punctual, daily attendance. Regular attendance and participation in class is essential for students to be successful. TMJH’s attendance policy supports those of the Park City School Board as stated here and here.
As a whole, students are encouraged and expected to attend all of their classes, every day, on time. Students are not allowed to leave campus during school hours unless checked out by an authorized adult.
Attendance Exceptions
- Students are allowed three (3) parent excused class period absences, per class, per quarter
- It is the student’s responsibility to make up work missed for an excused absence as per individual teacher policy
- A parent must excuse a student by sending an email to within three days of returning to school
- Three excused absences are the maximum amount of absences
- Certain types of absences do NOT count against a students class absences
- See “Excused Absences”
Steps To Follow When Absent
- Excusal notes and emails are accepted within three days of returning
- Email
- Include the student’s full name, the date(s) of absence, and the reason for the absence
- *notes must be submitted by a parent
- Email
Excused Absences
The following absences do NOT count against the three class absences:
- Medical Absences
- If there are ongoing medical issues, please contact the school nurse
- Death in the Immediate Family or Grave Family Illness
- A medical note must accompany a parent's excuse for family illness
- Religious Holidays
- Can be excused with a parent note, please name the holiday
- Counseling or Office Business
- Students are still responsible for making up any work missed
- Athletic and Activity Participation
- Students should notify the teacher of classes prior to leaving
- Missing work must be completed on time
- Students must check out with the attendance office before leaving
Pre-Arranged (Contract) and Extended Absences
The process to obtain permission for a known, prolonged absence starts with the attendance office at least one week prior to the absence
Pre-Arranged (Contract) Absences (4-9 days)
- Student notifies attendance office
- Attendance office gives a “Pre-Arranged Absence Request” contract
- Student follows procedure on the contract
- Verify their grades and work with each teacher signature
- Student returns the form to the attendance office
- Students must keep up with their schoolwork while absent
- *There may be activities and assessments that can only be done in person during in-class activities; we do not guarantee this content can be received or mastered at a later date if missed initially. Grades may be negatively impacted by absences.
Extended (10+ Days)
- Student reports absence to the attendance office.
- Attendance office gives an “Extended Absence Request” contract.
- Student follows procedures on the contract
- Students are required to visit with counselors for support and to create an individual academic plan for success.
- *NOTE: If the student has not made any contact with individual teachers during the extended absence, the student may be dropped from student enrollment
Excessive Absences
- If a student is excessively absent, an administrator will notify parents to draw up a plan to improve attendance
- These will be set off starting at four weeks with four absences and then progressing with one additional absence per week
- These meetings and notifications will be progressive in nature according to the number of absences
- These will be set off starting at four weeks with four absences and then progressing with one additional absence per week
Ten Day Rule: By law, a student who misses ten (10) consecutive unexcused attendance days will be dropped from the school rolls. Contact your guidance counselor with concerns
Checking Students Out During the School Day
TMJH is a closed campus
- Students may not leave campus during school hours unless checked out by an authorized adult.
- Students are required to remain on campus during lunch
- Students with B lunch at PCHS must remain at TMJH during lunch
- Only authorized personnel/adults may be on campus
- For this reason, students may not accept or solicit deliveries during the school day
- This includes DoorDash, Uber Eats, etc.
- Deliveries will be confiscated and kept in the office
- For this reason, students may not accept or solicit deliveries during the school day
- Students may only be signed-out by parents, emergency contacts, or authorized adults listed on the student’s school record
- Students must be checked-out by calling the attendance office or physically in the office
- Attendance Office: (435) 645-5640 option 1
- Students will report and attend class until called
- Students not checked out with the attendance office by an adult are considered truant and absences cannot be excused.
Extra-Curricular Activities and Attendance
In order to participate in extracurricular activities (i.e. sports, field trips, dances, plays, etc.) the student must be in class the two regularly scheduled periods before the event
Students who have accumulated more than three absences in any class during the current quarter will not be allowed an early dismissal from school to participate in athletic competitions or field trips
Students with excessive absences (6 or more in any class in each quarter) will be prohibited from participation in school social activities, dances, athletic competitions, etc.
Students involved in school-related extracurricular activities, will be given a “school-related absence” for their participation
Students who regularly participate in non-school-related athletic competitive activities may request to have an “Pre-Arranged Absence” contract. The request must be made one week prior to activity release
TMJH Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be at school and in class on time
Students are allowed 5 minutes to move between classes; they should not be late to class during the school day
When students are late for school, they must sign in at the attendance office. To excuse a tardy for the first period of the day, a parent must call the Attendance Office at the time of arrival to sign the student in. A parent may excuse three 1st period tardies per quarter. The first 10 minutes of class missed will be counted as tardy. After 10 minutes, the student will be marked absent
If a student gets two or more tardies in one week, they will serve an in-school lunch detention
Students with multiple first period tardies will be addressed on a case by case basis and parents will be contacted
Parent Release
- TMJH students who have Parent Release may NOT be on campus during the Parent Release periods.
- Students are welcome to be in the school 10 minutes before or after their scheduled classes and are expected to spend this time in the lobby
Backpack and Bags
Backpacks and Bags
- Students may bring their backpacks to their classrooms.
- Sports bags and instruments can be stored in the forum, on the right side of the stage steps. Bags must be out of the way and lined up or stacked neatly.
- Any final decision regarding a student’s backpack, bag or purse will be made by the school administration.
Behavior Expectations
Behavior Expectations
Treasure Mountain Junior High is committed to creating a caring, respectful, and safe school environment with consistent classroom expectations and consequences. To achieve this, we have implemented a positive behavior intervention system (PBIS) and are working to build a consistent schoolwide culture using the three R’s of behavior expectations:
- Be Responsible
- Be Respectful
- Be Ready
TMJH utilizes a Behavior Flowchart which details potential behavior and the progression of discipline used to address it.
Restorative Practices and Accountability
The majority of students at TMJH demonstrate positive behavior choices everyday. However, when a student is involved in a minor conflict or incident, teachers, staff, and administration will use restorative practices to assist students in a process that helps them reflect on and be held accountable for their behavior. This means that the student who caused harm will be asked to reflect, in writing or through a conversation with an adult, on their behavior and develop a plan that “repairs the harm” with all parties involved. This process teaches positive behavior changes and supports the student during the process. All students will experience a fair process and be treated with dignity and respect.
Zero Tolerance
The Park City School District is a Zero Tolerance district. Zero Tolerance includes the understanding that the behaviors listed below are unacceptable and when an allegation is brought forth, it will be investigated and consequences, as aligned to the Park City Schools Safe School Policy will be issued. Progressive discipline is also utilized for repeat offenders.
The following are NOT tolerated at TMJH at any time. Please tell an adult if you are ever aware of something from this list happening at school:
- Harassment
- including racist, homophobic, and anti-semitic speech
- Bullying / Cyberbullying
- This includes online harassment and sexting
- Sexual Harassment
- Alcohol/Drugs
- Gang Activity
- Assault/Fighting
- Weapons of any kind
- Tobacco
- Hazing
- Look-alike weapons
- In addition, online harassment and “sexting” will result in possible disciplinary action and police involvement.
An online reporting form has been established to report any infractions. Go to this link.
Bicycles, Skateboards, etc.
Bicycles, Skateboards, etc.
Many TMJH students chose to ride to school in various formats. Those who do so should wear helmets and recognize that TMJH is not responsible for lost or stolen property. To assist in this effort, the expectation around the storage and use of bikes, skateboards, etc. are that:
Bicycles should be locked up outside in the front of the school
Skateboards must be left in the student’s locker
Bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, etc. are not allowed to be used inside the school
Bus Conduct
Bus Conduct
Nearly all students at Treasure Mountain are eligible for bus transportation to school. While students in 8th-12th grades don’t have bus passes, students may only ride the assigned bus of their neighborhood. Furthermore, students should recognize that bus transportation is a privilege and students are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times. For more information regarding bus conduct, please go to the district transportation page.
Consequences for bus referrals based on violations of conduct are as follows:
- 1st referral: probation/warning
- 2nd referral: loss of privileges for 5 days
- 3rd referral: loss of privileges for 45 days
- 4th referral: loss of privileges for the remainder of the school year.
Cell Phones
Cell Phones/Headphones and Student Owned Technology.
Cell phones at TMJH are not allowed* to be used during the school day (7:30am - 2:25 pm and 7:35 am to 11:30am on Friday’s). All students will receive a Yondr cell phone pouch for their phone to be locked and kept in their backpack during the school day. Students are expected to have their phone locked in the pouch from 7:30am to 2:25pm. Cell phone pouches will be unlocked by students’ teachers at the end of 4th period or in the main office after school is out. Students who forget their cell phone pouch must check their phone in, at the Main Office, for the duration of the day.
Students who have parent release will check out at the Attendance Office, where their phones will be unlocked prior to 2:25pm. Students who have 4th period at PCHS can unlock their phones at PCHS in the main office after school.
Headphones are not to be used during class without the teacher’s permission. Students should not have headphones, airpods, or other similar devices in their ears during class, even if they are off, without teacher permission.
Students who do not comply with the cell phone/headphone rules are subject to the following consequences:
First Offense
- Cell phone (or other tech device) taken to the main office
- Parent notified of student not in compliance
- Student may retrieve phone at the end of school day
2nd Offense:
- Cell phone (or other tech device) taken to the main office
- Parent notified of student not in compliance
- Parent must retrieve phone
3rd Offense:
- Cell phone (or other tech device) taken to the main office
- Parent notified of student not in compliance
- Parent must retrieve phone
- Meeting between parent/student/dean or other administrator
4th Offense:
- Cell phone (or other tech device) taken to the main office
- Parent notified of student not in compliance
- Parent must retrieve phone
- Meeting between parent/student/dean or other administrator
- Potential Safe Schools Policy violation
Yondr Pouches that are deliberately abused/broken or lost are subject to a $40 replacement fine. If your pouch is lost or damaged please contact the main office.
If you need to contact your student during the school day you can call the main office (urgent/emergency) or email the student or wait until they have access to their phones at 2:25pm (less urgent).
*Students who have a documented medical diagnosis and need access to their cell phone, will be allowed to access their phone during the day for medical reasons.
Each student is assigned a school counselor who will assist students throughout their academic years at TMJH. These counselors are typically assigned to students by alphabet according to their last name and these assignments will be made known at the beginning of the school year.
Counselors work to assist students with an orientation to the school, study habits, and personal concerns. Counselors are available to students at all times though students should be mindful of existing appointments for counselors and of disrupting their academic work to speak with a counselor.
For more information regarding our counseling department, please see their website.
Students at Treasure Mountain are typically involved in two specific dances. 9th graders are invited to attend homecoming as members of the high school. In addition, the leadership class of TMJH puts on a Winter Formal or Spring Dance where all students, 8th and 9th grades, are invited. Conduct of these dances are:
Appropriate behavior and dress are expected at all times
Students must arrange for their own transportation and must be picked up within 30 minutes of the end of a dance
Dances held at TMJH are for TMJH students only
You must remain inside the school during dances, no re-entry.
- 9th graders are allowed to attend some PCHS dances. These can be verified with TMJH administration
- **8th graders are not permitted to attend PCHS hosted dances including the fall homecoming dance
Dress Code
Dress Code
Treasure Mountain Junior High is focused on student learning and achievement; therefore, clothing must be school-appropriate, respectful, and allow a full range of motion (sitting, bending, reaching, running, etc.) without requiring a continuous need for readjustment.
Some teachers may require students to remove hats and hoods during their classes.
Additional dress code issues that will be addressed include:
- Students should not wear clothing that reveals undergarments/underwear or reveals areas of the body where undergarments/underwear is typically present. Examples include waistbands and bras.
- Clothing should not expose a substantial amount of the torso (as a reference if the exposed skin exceeds the width of the student’s hand), they are likely in dress code violation
- Students’ shorts should not expose the student’s bottom. We recognize that there are differences in fits based on each individual, but as a general rule, students’ shorts should not be shorter than a 3 inch inseam
- Gang-affiliated clothing and accessories
- Clothing with vulgar, profane, or illegal messages
- Alcohol brands and/or messages
- E.g. Budweiser, Corona, etc.
- Drug paraphernalia brands and/or messages
- Cookies brand, marajuana leafs, etc.
- Alcohol brands and/or messages
- Inadequate footwear
The administration shall be the final judge as to the appropriateness of the apparel. If it is deemed inappropriate, the student will be asked to contact their parent for a change of clothing, or the school will provide a change.
Hallway/Classroom Expectations
Hallway and Classroom Expectations
Students are allotted a five minute passing period between each class. Students are expected to treat this passing period with urgency, completing all necessary socializing, business, etc. in between classes so that they may arrive on time to their next class.
- Walking and good citizenship are expected behaviors
- Students allotted hallway breaks are expected to stay within the hall of their class
- For example: A student in Spanish class is not permitted to use the restroom of the math/science hallway.
- Students must have a hall pass to be in the halls during class time
- Running, play-fighting, pushing, and/or using profanity are not acceptable
- Students in the hallway with cell phones, during class time, will have them confiscated to remain in the office for the duration of the day
Treasure Mountain boasts one of the best libraries in the district. As such, students have access to and are encouraged to utilize it. Below are listed links to explore the virtual nature of the library. Students should contact Ms. K for any further questions.
TMJH Library Catalog
Your personal library account login: lunchID / Password: lunchID
Contact the librarian if you have difficulty logging in-
Ebooks and Audio Books
Go to
Select SORA
Request for Library Materials/Order Form
Please fill out the form and return to Shea Klinghoffer. If you are unable to download and complete the form electronically, you may email the required information to Shea Klinghoffer.
Request for Library Materials Form
Utah Online Library
Login: ask the Media Center
Gale Virtual Reference Library (ebooks, Biographies in Context)
Teen Health and Wellness
Each student will be assigned a locker. All locker changes must be approved by the front office.
Lockers should be kept locked and only the student to whom the locker is assigned should have the combination.
TMJH strongly discourages students from bringing items of value to school. Expensive clothing, jewelry, or cash should not be stored in lockers. Students should report any item stolen from a locker to the assistant principal’s office. TMJH is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
It is the responsibility of the student to see that the locker is kept neat and clean. Students should not attach anything to the locker that cannot be removed easily and without damage to the locker (gum, stickers, etc.).
Locker Expectations:
Keep your locker closed and locked when not in use
Keep your lock combination confidential
Locker should remain free of writing and stickers
Entering another student’s locker without permission is considered trespassing
The administration or a designee may search all lockers or backpacks with reasonable cause at any time
Lost/Damaged Textbooks
Lunch Expectations
Lunch Expectations
- Students may choose to buy or bring their own lunch
- Lunches are to be prepaid in the TMJH lunchroom or through PayPams
- Each student will have an individual lunch account and parents will be notified when the account’s balance is nearing zero
- Free and reduced lunch applications may be picked up from the front office or downloaded here.
- All students on free or reduced lunch must reapply each school year.
Lunchroom/time Expectations
- Students must clean up after themselves!
- Keep your own place in the lunch line. Do not cut or save space for someone else
- Students are allowed to play during lunch but may only do so outside
- Play-fighting, of any kind, isn’t permitted
- Students may only eat in designated areas as determined by the season and weather
- Hallways are closed during lunch time and students are not permitted entry to or from them
- Students in class are not permitted breaks during lunch periods
- Students and parents may not have food delivered from a restaurant to school during the normal school day
- Students are not allowed to leave the TMJH campus during lunch
National Junior Honor Society
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is a worldwide organization that consists of many chapters in middle schools (grades 6-9). The National Junior Honor Society was founded in 1929 in the hopes of creating an organization that would recognize and encourage academic achievement while also developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. The ideals of scholarship, character, service, leadership, and citizenship remain as relevant today as they were in 1929.
Members must maintain a 3.5 grade point average (verified by quarterly report card submissions). NJHS requires group and individual service to the community, school, or other organizations (service hours verified by written documentation).
Teacher Adviser –Ms Ryan
Application deadlines, meeting dates, community service opportunities, and documentation due dates will be announced during morning announcements, and will be posted on the NJHS Canvas page.
Parent Release
Parent Release
Parent Release is an exception to the state’s mandatory attendance statute, which allows students to be released for part of the school day for regularly-occurring off-campus activities, with the permission of their parent or legal guardian.
Important stipulations about Parent Release:
- Parent Release relieves the school of responsibility for the student during the time they are released from school
- Parents are legally responsible for students and their transportation needs during the parent release time
- During release time, the student may NOT be on any school campus.
- On the rare occasion that the student wishes to use a school facility during their release time, they must have prior approval from an administrator or the attendance office
- This should not be a regular occurrence
- Students agree that if they are on a school campus during their Parent Release time, they will be asked to leave on the first occurrence.
- Repeated violation of this may result in trespassing citations, safe schools violations, and/or additional consequences as determined by the administration.
- If release time is requested in place of a core academic class (language arts, math, science, social studies, PE, health, computer literacy), the parent is responsible for the instruction the student will receive in that subject.
- Credit cannot be earned for Parent Release.
- If a parent wishes to rescind Parent Release during the school year, the student’s class schedule is subject to course availability. Seats in core and elective classes are not held for students who wish to cancel their release time.
Procedure to Request Parent Release:
The student and parent/legal guardian must call or schedule a meeting with their School Counselor to discuss the Parent Release exception. If the decision is made to proceed with Parent Release, then the student may be subject to the schedule change process to accommodate the Parent Release. The student’s class schedule will be subject to course availability; class capacities will not be overfilled.
What is PowerSchool?
PowerSchool is the web-based student information system used by the Park City School District. It provides you with a convenient means of being involved in your student’s school day. At any time you can:
Check student’s grades
Track student’s assignments
Monitor student’s attendance
E-mail access to student’s teachers
Sign up for automatic daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly e-mail reports (available via parent login only)
View the school’s daily bulletin
How do I get access to PowerSchool?
PowerSchool logins are reset every summer for your protection and confidentiality. Students will get their new login when they pick up their laptop. Students get their own ID and password so they can keep track of their own grades and assignments, providing a way to help them accept responsibility for their work.
With a Parent PowerSchool Account, parents will have access to a special E-mail Notifications page where they can sign up for automatic progress reports. Because of this exclusive feature, it is highly recommended that parents keep their account ID and password confidential and not share it with their student.
To set up a Parent PowerSchool Account, parents will need their student’s parent access ID and password. We mail those home the first week of September. Parents can link all their students to one Parent Account, all you need is the parent access ID and password for each of their students. For instructions, see the Parent Single Sign-On Instruction Sheet.
If you lose your Parent Account set-up instructions, contact the school. For security reasons, we will not give out account information by phone, fax, or e-mail. We can mail your login information to your mailing address on record, or you can pick it up in person.
How to use PowerSchool
To access PowerSchool, type the following address into your Internet browser: It is a good idea to bookmark this location for future use. PowerSchool is also accessible from our District and TMJH websites.
To check grades and assignments once you are logged in, click on the “Grades and Attendance” icon.
To view assignments, click on the blue number grade under the current Quarter of each class. Teachers often include additional information about an assignment which you can access by clicking on the active (blue) link. If you would like to e-mail your student’s teacher, you can do so by clicking the teacher’s name in blue.
Parents can also set up automatic progress reports via email.
Report Incident
Safe Schools
Safe Schools
It is the intent of the Board of Education to provide every student in the district with the opportunity to learn in an environment that is safe, conducive to the learning process, and free from unnecessary disruption. Students should be aware that certain behavior, outlined herein and in other policies of the district, are unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action. The superintendent and his/her designees will enforce district policies with the aim to make students and their parents or guardians understand that unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the board's disciplinary policies.
Política de Seguridad de las Escuelas
Bullying, Cyberbullying, Abusive Conduct, Harassment, Hasing, Discrimination and Retaliation
The Board of Education is committed to providing a safe and orderly environment for all students that promotes respect, civility, and dignity. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the educational environment of Park City schools is free from Bullying, Cyber-bullying, Harassment, Hazing & Retaliation.
Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, Hazing, Discrimination and Retaliation Policy
Anonymous Reporting
We recognize that fear of retaliation prevents many students from telling about incidents. Treasure Mountain Junior High offers a way to report incidents anonymously. To make an anonymous report, go to the Report Incident page of our website.
Please recognize that, because anonymous reporting doesn’t allow follow-up questioning, it may lack effectiveness. If you don’t see a change in behavior after reporting it, please talk to an administrator, your counselor, or another adult at TMJH.
Schedule Changes
Student Schedules and Change Policy
It is important to realize that the TMJH master schedule is based upon the student requests made in spring of the previous year. In order to be fiscally responsible, the number of course sections within each subject area are based on these projections. School Counselors spend a considerable amount of time in the spring ensuring students have the required core courses and their chosen electives or alternates, as requested. When a first choice elective or alternate selection is not able to fit in a student’s schedule, the counselor meets directly with the student to find a solution. Once requests are scheduled, it is difficult to make a schedule change because many classes will be at or near capacity. Therefore we anticipate minimal options for schedule changes.
Class Caps
Academic classes will be capped at 32 students. PE classes will be capped at 37 students. Once classes reach these caps, they will be considered full and students will no longer be placed in them. Because of this, customizing schedules, schedule changes, and withdrawals and enrollments will be subject to class availability; students may not be placed in their first-choice electives if those classes are closed. In addition, we may deny open enrollment applications if we cannot offer students a full schedule due to lack of available space.
Schedule Errors:
School Counselors and/or the Registrar will be available to meet with students/parents during Back-to-School Registration in August when one of the following ERRORS has occurred:
Enrolled in a course you have already completed and received credit
Enrolled in a course for which you have not met the prerequisite
Do not have a full schedule of 8 classes
Received a course you did not request as an original or alternate during registration (registration forms are kept in the counseling office for reference)
Want to move up or down a level in a core course (per teacher recommendation)
Student Request for Schedule Change:
Once the school year is underway, students may only request a schedule change during the first five (5) school days of the quarter, and during the last five (5) days of the semester to make a change for the next semester. The only time a schedule change is made outside of the scheduling window is for unusual circumstances in collaboration with a parent, teacher, administrator, counselor, and student. Some examples could include: medical condition/504 Plan, IEP, CCR, Safe School Violation or a new transfer student to TMJH.
Courses may not be changed after midterm.
Changes will not be made for preferred lunch, teacher, or to be scheduled with a friend.
Because of the impact and disruption changes have on class size and to ensure the balance of class loads, class capacities will not be overfilled.
Procedure to request a schedule change:
Process begins in the Counseling Office
Student fills out a Schedule Change Request Statement
Student requested schedule changes, not involving errors, must be approved by the grade-level administrator
Counselor meets with the student
Counselor meets with the student’s teacher, who will provide the counselor with background info, etc.
Counselor facilitates a possible meeting between the student, parent, and teacher
Involved parties try to rectify the situation in 5-10 more class sessions
If still a problem, counselor looks to see if the requested change is even a possibility
Team (parent, student, counselor, admin, teacher) decides if the student is eligible for the schedule change
School Clubs and Activities
School Clubs & Activities
Most clubs and activities carry over year to year, but all are subject to change. For more information, contact the club’s advisor listed below, or see the Main Office.
Athletic Opportunities
9th graders may participate in PCHS Sports.
Contact: Athletics/Activities Director, Jamie Sheetz (PCHS)
Mustang After School Academy (MASA)
Treasure Mountain is offering an adult-supervised after-school homework help program and various activities and clubs for students to participate in. Here is a link for program information. The program runs on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2:45 to 3:45pm. Advisor: Mr. Duca
School Clubs
9th graders may participate in PCHS Clubs with permission from the advisor, see the PCHS Sports website and contact the club advisor listed.
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)
NJHS is a worldwide organization that promotes citizenship, service, leadership, scholarship, and character. Members must maintain a 3.5 grade point average and become good citizens by participating in service projects. For more information, please see the NJHS page. Advisor: Ms. Ryan
After-School Activity Bus
Currently, we do not have an after-school activity bus for students. Students must make their own arrangements to get home. Please direct questions to the Transportation Department at 435-645-5660.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Park City School District is now allowing volunteers into the schools. Please go to the following link for more information.
Student Laptops
All students at TMJH will be issued a laptop. Students are responsible for keeping them in good condition. In the event of damage to the laptop or power adaptor, a $100 deductible fee will be charged. All subsequent damage to the laptop will be at a cost of $200 plus a charge for any parts/repairs. All students are expected to abide by the acceptable use policy of Park City Schools. Student internet and device usage is monitored and should a violation occur, technology use may be restricted.
For more information regarding student laptops, please go to our technology webpage.