Parent Electronic Device Orientation
All PCSD students will receive a district-owned device for the school year. Parents are required to view the Electronic Device Orientation before the student will receive his or her device . Parents may watch the orientation from home, or at the school. Please watch the video at
Make sure you have reviewed and electronically signed both the Internet Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and the Electronic Device User Agreement (EDUA) during the online registration process. Students may not receive their device until both pieces (AUP and EDUA) have been received and recorded by school officials.
Logout after finishing the tutorial. Make sure you have reviewed and electronically signed both the Internet Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and the Electronic Device User Agreement (EDUA) during the online registration process. Students may not receive their laptop until all three pieces (Orientation, AUP, and EDUA) have been received and recorded by school officials.
- Go to asked use code: FDZAY)
- Enter a Name/Nickname in the box
- Click Join Session
- Click the play button for audio on the bottom of each slide
- Navigate through the slides using the forward and back buttons
- Complete the PCSD EDUA Quiz