Course Catalog and Course Information
- Course Catalog and Offering
- Class Registration and Scheduling
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Course Catalog and Offering
TMJH Course Catalog
2024-2025 School Year
2024-2025 Course Catalog. en español
The following course(s) will not be available for the 24-25 school year:
>Steel Drum Band
2024-2025 Electives PowerPoint
Students can download the Course Catalog PDF to their school laptop. DO NOT print the catalog at school. If you would like a printed paper copy, please see the Registrar in the Counseling Center.
Class Registration Forms for 2024-25:
8th Grade Form (class of 2029) en español
9th Grade Form (class of 2028) en español
Leadership, Yearbook, Latinos in Action- Deadline MARCH 15
If you wish to enroll in the above course, please complete the following applications and email to the current teacher providing the course:
Leadership email to:
Yearbook email to:
Latinos in Action email to :
MISC Forms:
Parent Release Form
8th gr Course Replacement Request Form
Math Pathways Chart for Grades 8-12 - for Math curriculum info, see USBE Core Math Standards and UEN Math Core Guides
CTE Career Clusters & Pathways Charts
English Pathways
Social Studies Pathways
Science Pathways
2023-2024 School Year
Class Registration Forms for 2023-24:
8th Grade Registration form (class of 2028)
9th Grade Registration form (class of 2027)
TMJH & PCHS Math Pathways (for more info, go to the USBE Utah Core Math Standards)
CTE Cluster, Pathway and Courses
CTE Pathways
About Our Course Offerings:
Course Descriptions: Course descriptions are provided to help students and parents understand the content of our course offerings. Please read the descriptions fully and carefully. If further explanation is desired, contact the teacher currently teaching the course. Teacher email addresses are available on the Faculty Directory page of our website.
Course Locations: Most of Treasure Mountain classes are located on campus, but due to teacher or facility requirements, some courses may be located at Park City High. Students will be required to walk to those other campuses. Course locations are subject to change.
ALL COURSE OFFERINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE based on course enrollment numbers, securing qualified teachers, or availability of a teaching facility and/or required equipment. School Board, Legislative, and Utah State Office of Education rules and budgets may also force changes to our offerings.
Class Registration and Scheduling
Treasure Mountain Junior High courses and number of of course sections offered within each subject area are based on budget, staffing, student interest, and enrollment projections. Our master schedule strives to ensure equity and fairness to all students and to maintain balanced class loads for teachers.
Class Registration
Current students register for their next-year classes in March. To register for classes, students will fill out and submit a Class Registration Form, which includes their first-choice class selections, alternate class selections, a parent signature, and any teacher signatures required by course prerequisites. We are not able to offer the option of requesting classes with specific teachers or at specific times. We expect students to accept and complete the courses they select during class registration, including their alternates.
Schedule Changes
Once the school year is underway, students may request a schedule change in the Counseling Office within the first FIVE DAYS of the SEMESTER only. There will be NO changes after Midterm. Not all schedule change requests can be granted due to full class sizes, class availability, schedule disruption, etc
It’s important to understand that the availability and staffing of courses is based upon master scheduling activities that happen in the spring prior to the start of the school year. Our counselors spend a considerable amount of time counseling students on the courses and credits needed for graduation, while identifying individual student interests and goals. We work very hard to give students their first-choices, however we may experience scheduling conflicts that require us to place students into their alternate choices. When conflicts cannot be resolved with alternates, counselors will contact the student to find an agreeable solution. Once the master schedule is finalized and student schedules are generated, it is difficult to make schedule changes because most classes will already be at or near capacity. Class capacities will NOT be overfilled. We anticipate minimal options for schedule changes.
Parent Release and Religion Release
Parent Release is an exception to the state’s mandatory attendance statute that allows students to be released for part of the school day for regularly-occurring off-campus activities, with written permission of their parent or legal guardian. Parents are responsible for their student during release time. No transportation services are provided during release time. During release time, students may NOT be on any PCSD campus and must leave within five minutes of the bell. Parent Release during periods 2 and 3 is discouraged. On the occasion that a student wishes to be on campus during their release time, they must have prior approval from an administrator or the attendance office. If release students are being disruptive, they will be asked to leave, and repeated violations may result in trespassing citations, safe school violations, denied participation in school activities, and/or other consequences as determined by administration. If release time is requested in place of a core graduation requirement, the parent is responsible for the instruction for that requirement. If a parent wishes to rescind Parent Release during the school year, the student’s class schedule is subject to course availability. Seats in classes are not reserved for students who wish to cancel release time, and classes will not be overfilled.
Advanced Placement (AP)
Park City High School offers 26 Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Many colleges and universities nationwide offer college credit and/or the ability to skip introductory courses for qualifying final AP Exam scores. Refer to each college or university for their AP credit policies. Some of our AP courses require students to take the final AP Exam, while others give students the option to take the test. There is a fee for AP exams, and financial assistance is available if needed.
IMPORTANT: Per CollegeBoard policy, students must join the AP Classroom by a deadline in mid-November. After that deadline, late fees and/or cancellation fees apply. Fee collection for AP exams will begin in January. Exams that are not paid for by the deadline in early March will not be ordered. It is the student’s responsibility to sign up and pay for their exams on time. See the AP Students website for official AP information and deadlines.
The following AP courses are offered at PCHS. Not all courses are available every year or to all grade levels. See the Course Catalog for more information on each course.
Who Can Take AP Courses?
Students may self-select into AP courses. Students should be very thoughtful about registering for advanced-level courses or accelerated programs. Seats in regular-level courses may not be available should advanced courses prove too challenging. Successful AP students tend to fit the same profile: (1) They’re independent learners, self advocates, and persistent in mastering content; (2) They’re not afraid to fail the first time and to take risks, as learning is more important than grades; (3) They possess superior executive functioning skills, like organization and time management, in order to complete tasks quickly and efficiently; and (4) They accept and embrace the possibility of an increase in work load and time commitment.
- AP Art Studio 2D Photo
- AP Art Studio 3D Design
- AP Art Studio Drawing
- AP Biology
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Chemistry
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Economics
- AP English Language
- AP English Literature
- AP Environmental Science
- AP French 5/Language
- AP Human Geography (TMJH 9th grade)
- AP Music Theory
- AP Physics 1
- AP Physics 2
- AP Physics C
- AP Psychology
- AP Spanish Language
- AP Spanish Literature
- AP Statistics
- AP U.S. Government
- AP U.S. History
- AP World History
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Technological advances and global competition have changed the nature of work. Jobs today require high-tech knowledge and advanced technical skills. Work and learning will be integral parts of your life as you pursue your personal pathway to success. Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides you with the technical skills and academic knowledge you will need to prepare for life after high school—future employment and/or a successful transition to post-secondary education.
- CTE Information on the Park City School District Website
- Utah State Office of Education CTE website:
- Utah Career Pathways:
Park City High School CTE Course Offerings: Refer to the PCHS Course Catalog for our CTE course offerings and descriptions. Offerings may change from year to year. You'll also find Career Cluster and Pathways charts on that page.
Park City Center for Advanced Professional Studies (PCCAPS): One of only four high school programs of its kind in the state of Utah, the Park City Center for Advanced Professional Studies, or PCCAPS, is a nationally recognized, Project Based Learning education model. PCCAPS is an example of how business, community and public education can partner to produce personalized learning experiences that educate the workforce of tomorrow. Students are fully immersed into professional culture, and are provided with opportunities to explore different career paths. Specialized instructors facilitate the learning process while volunteer industry mentors help students overcome roadblocks and provide project feedback. Students learn to drive real-world projects for companies while receiving high school credit. PCCAPS courses offers 11th and 12th grade students skills and industry certifications for the admissions process as well as today’s employers. These skills include 1) perseverance, 2) problem solving, 3) collaboration, 4) self management, 5) effective communication, 6) self reflection, and 7) good work habits. See the “PCCAPS Courses” section of the PCHS Course Catalog to see what courses are available. Refer to the PCCAPS website for more about the program.
Work-Based Learning, Internship Course: Students who are at least 16 years of age by the start date of a semester, and who independently earn an internship position, can earn credit for their experience. The internship must align with the semester calendar in which they are enrolled for the Internships course. See the Internships course description in the Career and Technical Education (CTE) section of the PCHS Course Catalog and contact your counselor for more information. Students will receive a letter grade for the Internship course, and passing grades can earn either CTE or Elective credit. If you have questions, please contact the course advisor, Ms. Adrienne Woolley.
Work Experience Course: Senior and junior students who have a job may be eligible to earn elective credit by enrolling in the Work Experience elective course (also referred to as Work Release). See the Work Experience course description under General Electives in the course catalog and contact your counselor for more information. Students must be at least 16 years of age. Students will receive a Pass/Fail grade for the Work Experience course. Passing grades will earn Elective credit, but there is no GPA incentive. If you have questions, please contact the course instructor, Ms. Woolley, or your high school counselor.
CTE Pathway Completer Designation
The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway Completer designation shows prospective employers, scholarship boards, colleges, universities, training programs, and the military that a student has:
- Completed a comprehensive, in-depth, and applied course of study in a specialized area;
- Acquired transferable skills such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and perseverance through purposeful and meaningful learning experiences;
- Participated in learning opportunities that are diverse, rigorous, and connected to the world of work.
Students who take a number of CTE classes in the same pathway can become a completer in a CTE pathway. CTE pathway completers earn a cord to wear at graduation. To be a pathway completer, a student must:
- Take at least three (3) classes in the same pathway (see the different pathway options for the 2022-2023 school year by clicking here);
- Pass each of these classes with a C or higher;
- Document their completed pathway on the CTE Pathways Completer Application (Seniors only).
NOTE: The Park City School District does not provide transportation to sites involved in the PCCAPS, Internships, or Work Experience programs. Students must arrange their own transportation independently of the school district. The school district does not assume any liability in connection with private transportation arranged by the student. PCHS classes that are taught off campus by college/university staff, for which the district does not provide transportation, fall under this same procedure