High School Graduation Requirements
- Civics Exam
- Planning Tools
- Grading Standards and GPA
- Seal of Billteracy Recognition
- Board of Recognition
Civics Exam
To graduate from high school, Utah law requires that students pass a basic Civics exam. The exam is 50 multiple choice questions derived from the civics test used by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. The minimum passing score is 35 correct out of 50 questions. The test score will not have any impact on GPA or any course grades, and it appears on the PCHS transcript only as "Passed." Seniors can take the test as many times as needed to pass before graduation. There is not an option to opt-out of the state’s requirement to pass the Civics exam.
At Park City High School, students take the exam in their senior-year U.S. Government class.
Seniors who do NOT have a PCHS Government class (take the course online or at a different school) will be required to attend a scheduled sitting of the Civics exam at PCHS. There will be a minimum of three testing opportunities, one in March (on the day the juniors take the ACT test) and two in May. Other testing dates may be scheduled at the school’s discretion. For testing dates, see the section below.
If a student transfers to PCHS from another high school, and they took and passed a state-mandated basic civics test, the "pass" must appear on the student’s official transcript from the previous school. If the "pass" does not appear on the transcript, the student must take and pass the exam at PCHS. NOTE: Not all schools administer a civics exam in their Government classes, so even if the student took Government at a previous school, that doesn’t mean that they’ve passed the civics requirement. This is why the transcript must specifically note the civics exam.
Study materials, practice questions, and sample tests:
- Quick Civics Lessons for the Naturalization Test
- Citizenship and Immigration Services Study Guide
- Civics Exam Flash Cards
- USCIS.gov Study for the Test (2020 version)
- USCIS.gov Study for the Test (2008 version)
- UEN American Civics Education Initiative
Exam Dates for the Class of 2023:
Seniors who have a PCHS Government class in their class schedule will take the exam in their Government class. The following test dates would ONLY apply for students who need to retake the test in order to pass.
Seniors who DON'T have a PCHS Government class in their schedule will need to take the exam on one of the following test dates, in person. Students (and parents) will be notified by email and/or letter if they need to take the exam. If you aren’t sure, contact the Registrar. There’s no need to sign up for a date, just show up to the test location.
Students need their laptops to take the exam. Laptops should be charged ahead of time, or bring your charger with you. Chargers will NOT be available at the testing location. The exam takes no longer than 45 minutes and will be proctored by a PCHS social studies teacher.
Reference: USBE Rule R277-700-8, Utah Code 53E-4-205, UEN American Civics Education Initiative
- December invitation-only dates (Seniors who have completed .5 Government):
- December 6 - 2:30pm, Room 238
- December 13 - 2:30pm, Room 238
- December 15 - 2:30pm, Room 238
- March 21 - location TBD, testing times are assigned by the student’s last name:
- 8:00am - Last names A-E
- 9:00am - Last names F-Lo
- 10:00am - Last names Lu-Ri
- 11:00am - Last names Ro-Z
- Note: Seniors don’t have classes on this day, so it’s a great day to take the exam!
- May 9 - 2:30pm, Room 238
- May 16 - 2:30pm, Room 238
- May 23 - 2:30pm, Room 238 -This is your absolute LAST opportunity!
Planning Tools
College and Career Ready (CCR) Plan:
Park City High School Counselors implement a yearly College and Career Ready (CCR) program in which they counsel and map out each student’s high school graduation plan, based on their post-secondary goals and ambitions. For more information, see the PCHS College and Career Readiness website.
Sophomore Timeline:
November: College and Career Ready curriculum
April-May: Individual student-counselor CCR meeting
Junior Timeline:
December: College and Career Ready curriculum
January-March: Individual student-parent-counselor CCR appointments (notices will be sent out when it’s time to schedule)
Senior Timeline:
September: College and Career Ready curriculum
September-October: Individual student-counselor CCR meeting
Naviance Student:
Naviance Student is a college and career readiness platform that helps connect academic achievement to post-secondary goals. The program will help guide our students’ academic and career choices, as well as provide opportunities for self-exploration, college research, resume building, and more. Students will use Naviance Student as part of the College and Career Readiness curriculum provided by our school counselors in grades 6-12. PCHS students can access Naviance via the Naviance Student page of the PCHS website.
Academic Pathways:
Pathways charts for Math, Science, and CTE are included in the PCHS Course Catalog. If you have questions, or want course recommendations for future planning, consult your counselor, your teacher, the department chair, or the CTE Director.
Below is a typical Park City High School student’s pathway to graduation, based on a full schedule of 8.0 credits per year. This is just a base guide--each student’s graduation plan can be different.
Freshmen–9th Grade:
1.0 Language Arts: English 9
1.0 Social Studies: Geography or AP Geography
1.0 Math: Secondary Math 1 or Honors Secondary Math 1
1.0 Science: Earth Science or Biology
0.5 Participation Skills and Techniques (PE 9)
0.5 Digital Studies requirement course
3.0 Electives
Sophomores–10th Grade:
1.0 Language Arts: English 10 Sophomore Academy
1.0 Social Studies: World History or AP World History
1.0 Math: Secondary Math 2 or Honors Secondary Math 2
1.0 Science: Biology or Chemistry
0.5 Fitness for Life (PE 10)
0.5 Health
3.0 Electives
Juniors–11th Grade:
1.0 Language Arts: Two semester topics or AP Language or English CE
1.0 Social Studies: U.S. History 2 or AP U.S. History
1.0 Math: Secondary Math 3 or Honors Secondary Math 3
1.0 Science: Chemistry or Physics or other science
0.5 Financial Literacy
0.5 Individualized Lifetime Activities (PE) course
3.0 Electives
Seniors–12th Grade:
1.0 Language Arts: Two semester topics or AP Literature or English CE
1.0 Social Studies: US Government (.5) and choice of Sociology, Psychology, Economics (.5)
6.0 Electives
Civics Exam (typically taken in U.S. Government class)
Math class to be College and Career Ready
Grading Standards and GPA
Grades and credits are recorded on the Park City High School transcript quarterly. The student’s official grade point average (GPA) is calculated on a quarterly basis, after final quarter grades are recorded on the student’s transcript. The GPA is determined by converting letter grades to a numerical grade point value. GPA is officially rounded to the thousandth (x.xxx).
A = 4.0
A- = 3.7
B+ = 3.3
B = 3.0
B- = 2.7
C+ = 2.3
C = 2.0
C- = 1.7
D+ = 1.3
D = 1.0
D- = 0.7
F = 0.0
Advanced Placement (AP) courses earning a letter grade of C- or better are awarded additional GPA weight of +.0125 per course, per quarter, added to the student’s cumulative GPA. This is called the Weighted Cumulative GPA. AP Labs and Honors courses are not weighted.
Not all courses earn a letter grade. The following grade designations are excluded from the GPA calculation: Pass (P), No Grade (NG), No Credit (NC), Incomplete (I), Withdraw-Pass (WP) and Withdraw-Fail (WF).
How to Calculate GPA:
GPA can be calculated by quarter, by grade level, and cumulatively. Convert your letter grades (A-F) to their numerical grade point values. Add all the grade points together. Divide the grade point total by the total number of letter grades. GPA is rounded to the thousandth (x.xxx). Examples:
- Student earns 8 letter grades: 3.7 + 4.0 + 3.7 + 3.3 + 3.0 + 3.0 + 3.0 + 3.3 = 27.0 total / 8 letter grades = 3.375 GPA
- Student earns 7 letter grades and one Pass (P): 3.7 + 4.0 + 3.7 + 3.3 + 3.0 + 3.0 + 3.0 = 23.7 total / 7 letter grades = 3.386 GPA. P’s do not count in GPA.
- Student earns 8 letter grades, including one quarter AP grade of B+: 3.7 + 4.0 + 3.7 + 3.3 + 3.0 + 3.0 + 3.0 + 3.3 = 27.0 total / 8 letter grades = 3.375 GPA + .0125 for AP = 3.388 Weighted GPA. Note: AP weight is only added to the cumulative GPA.
- Park City High School must receive an OFFICIAL signed and stamped transcript DIRECTLY from the school. We will not accept transcripts from students or parents, unless they are received in an unopened envelope that was sealed, signed and stamped/embossed by an official at the sending school.
Cumulative GPA is calculated by totaling the grade points for all letter grades earned throughout grades 9-12, then divide that total by the total number of letter grades earned throughout grades 9-12.
Honor Roll:
Honor Roll qualification is calculated after PCHS and Utah Students Connect (UTSC) grades are recorded each quarter (approx. 2 weeks after our quarter ends). Honor Roll is based on the simple quarter GPA (not weighted). Honor Roll is 3.50-3.69 GPA. High Honor Roll is 3.70-4.00 GPA.
Transfer Grades and Outside Credits:
Park City High School is obligated to accept high school credits, earned during grades 9-12, from other educational institutions reflecting the appropriate accreditation. When in doubt, verify with Cognia or ask your Counselor. An official transcript and information from the school must reflect the accrediting agency. Park City High School reserves the right to deny credits that are not properly accredited or approved.
Grades and credits from other accredited schools are transcribed onto the student’s Park City High School transcript under the year and term in which they were completed and with the letter grade or percent translation as awarded by the other school. Transfer grades are calculated into the student’s cumulative GPA using the PCHS Grading Standard grade point values. GPA weight is added for qualifying AP grades only (we do not add weight for Honors, IB, Pre-AP, or CE courses).
Credit Remediation:
Students who fail any of their core graduation requirement classes (earn an F in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, PE, etc.) must make up those failed grades in order to graduate. PCHS provides opportunities for credit remediation during the school year, and may provide opportunities during the summer break. Students may also remediate credits through accredited online courses. Students should meet with their Counselor to learn about their remediation options.
Grade Replacement Policy:
The Park City Board of Education acknowledges that students in grades 9-12 might desire to or be required to repeat a course for various reasons. The three primary reasons to repeat a course include: (1) Remediation—for students who failed a course and repeat it to earn passing credit toward graduation requirements, (2) Grade improvement—for students who repeat an entire course to improve their letter grade, and (3) Additional credit—for students enroll in additional units of credit to further their understanding and skills (i.e. band or journalism). For information and specific requirements, meet with your Counselor and refer to PCSD Policy 10036–Grade Replacement Policy for Grades 9-12.
Seal of Billteracy Recognition
The Seal of Biliteracy is an award issued by the state department of education and local school district to recognize a student who has attained proficiency in English and one or more other World Languages by high school graduation. The recognition of attaining biliteracy becomes part of the student’s official Park City High School Transcript. The Seal serves to certify attainment of biliteracy for students, employers, and universities. It is a statement of accomplishment that helps to signal evidence of a student’s readiness for career and college, and for engagement as a global citizen.
To qualify, students must show evidence of language proficiency in both English and a Second Language through approved assessments in grades 9-12, such as ACT, SAT, AP, AAPPL, WIDA, etc. For a full list of qualifying assessments, see page 2 of the Seal of Biliteracy application (link below). Not all qualifying assessments are offered by the Park City School District. Outside testing may be available at other locations, but you should first get confirmation that the assessment will qualify.
- District staff will attempt to identify students who qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy through assessments taken within or reported to the district. Students identified by this method do not need to submit an application. They will be notified of their qualification in the spring of their Senior year.
- Any student who believes they have met the requirements may submit a Seal of Biliteracy Application to the Registrar by May 15 of the student’s SENIOR year. The student should NOT submit their application until they have taken the requisite assessments and can self-report their scores on the application. (AP scores are released over the summer, and therefore, Seniors waiting for their AP scores should submit their application by the May 15 deadline. Transcripts will be updated appropriately upon score verification in August.)
- District staff will attempt to identify students who qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy through assessments taken within or reported to the district. Students identified by this method do not need to submit an application. They will be notified of their qualification in the spring of their Senior year.
Board of Recognition
NOTE: Per the Board of Education, this recognition will be phased out in 2025.
All PCHS graduates will be eligible for a Board of Education Silver or Gold Academic Seal of Distinction on their diploma. Students must meet additional eligibility requirements in grades 9-12 to qualify. If you have questions, refer to PCSD Policy 9080-Graduation Requirements or contact your Counselor.
Interested students must submit the following documentation to their Counselor.
Academic Seal Intent to Qualify Form
Academic Seal Verification of Community Service Form (required annually in grades 9-12)Requirements for the Board of Education Silver Academic Seal include:
- Successful completion of a minimum of 28 credits in grades 9-12, including the following distribution requirements:
- 4.0 units of Language Arts
- 4.0 units of Social Studies, including Geography, World History, U.S. History, and U.S. Government
- 4.0 units of Mathematics
- 4.0 units of Science, including at least two of the following: Biology, Chemistry, Applied Physics, Physics, Environmental Science
- 3.0 units of one foreign language, or two years each of two different foreign languages
- 2.0 units of Healthy Lifestyles (1.5 PE and .5 Health)
- 2.0 units of Career and Technical Education
- 0.5 unit of Digital Studies
- 2.0 units of Fine Arts
- 2.0 units of Electives
- 0.5 unit of General Financial Literacy
- Minimum weighted GPA of 3.0
- Successful completion of a minimum of 25 hours per year of community service. Qualifying activities include leadership roles in school or community, participation in service projects, and volunteer assistance for community activities.
Requirements for the Board of Education Gold Academic Seal of Distinction include all requirements for the Silver Academic Seal and in addition:
- Weighted GPA of 3.5 or higher
- Successful completion of at least three Advanced Placement or equivalent college credit courses.
- Successful completion of a minimum of 28 credits in grades 9-12, including the following distribution requirements: